We Moved!

It has been another big week for Vance! He continues to grow and now weighs 4 pounds 11 ounces. He has been handling his NIPPV so well, and after 77 days in the NICU, he officially moved into his own room on the 3rd floor! This move is a huge milestone and a sign that his doctors and nurses are confident in his continued progress.

Leaving the 2nd-floor NICU was bittersweet. That floor has been home since Vance was born, and the incredible nurses and staff there have become like family to us. But thankfully, all of Vance’s primary nurses are coming upstairs with us—thank God! One of his aunties (nurse) joked that Vance will have the most visited room in their NICU history, and we know that’s probably true. He definitely loved hearing that!

Vance had a little parade as he left the second floor, with all the staff cheering him on as he passed by. It was such a special moment! Not only was Vance excited to get his own space, but his parents were thrilled too. His new room has a window for natural daylight, a couch, a chair, a bathroom, and much more privacy than before. It feels like another step closer to home.

Vance is now getting weekly eye exams to monitor his development. At his last appointment, the ophthalmologist mentioned that he will most likely need injections in the back of his eyes to help them develop properly. While this sounds scary, it’s actually quite common for micro-preemies. The oxygen support he has needed restricts blood vessel growth in his eyes, and the pressure required to expand his lungs can also put strain on the back of his eyes. These injections will help correct that.

Because he may need the injections, today the doctors decided to try transitioning him to a different breathing support system called RAM. RAM is basically the same as NIPPV, but instead of a full face mask secured around his head, it’s just small nasal prongs. This means Vance gets to be much more comfortable, and best of all—we get to see even more of his adorable little face! There is truly nothing better than finally getting to kiss that perfect little head. If you haven’t gathered by now, we are absolutely obsessed.

They’ve been adjusting his ventilator settings to find his sweet spot—matching the pressure he was receiving with the mask—so it’s still a bit of trial and error, but he’s handling the transition like a champ. His next eye exam is on Thursday, when we will find out for sure if he needs the injections.

We are so proud of Vance for continuing to grow, fight, and amaze us every single day! Please keep the prayers and positive thoughts coming as he keeps pushing forward. 💙


Vance’s Weekly Update