Six Weeks Strong

Vance turned six weeks old on Thursday, and for the most part, it had been a quiet, steady week. He was growing well, strong enough to finally have his PICC line removed after finishing a round of antibiotics. The doctors were even beginning to formulate a plan to transition him off the jet ventilator to a conventional ventilator—one that more closely mimics natural breaths. It felt like we were on the brink of a big step forward.

But early Friday morning, everything changed.

Vance suddenly vomited so violently that it dislodged his breathing tube. Almost instantly, his oxygen levels and heart rate plummeted. The medical team rushed to reinsert the tube, but Vance’s tiny lungs had completely collapsed, unable to take in any oxygen. At 2:30 AM, we got the call every NICU parent dreads—"Come to the hospital now."

While we were in the midst of rushing to the hospital, his little heart briefly stopped. The team immediately started chest compressions, fighting to bring him back. Time stood still as they desperately worked to get his fragile lungs to accept oxygen. They attempted to "bag" him, manually forcing oxygen into his lungs in hopes of re-expanding them. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, they saw signs of improvement. His lungs started to open up just enough to regain some breathing compliance, and his oxygen levels began to rise.

They decided to try a larger breathing tube, one that fit more snugly. Thankfully, this time, his body accepted it, and his oxygen levels stabilized. Because his PICC line had already been removed, they needed to quickly establish IV access, ultimately placing the IV in his little head—his best available vein at the time.

The hours that followed were full of uncertainty and fear, but by later Friday morning, our warrior had once again fought his way back. His breathing was more stable, and the doctors started him on a high-powered steroid to help his fragile lungs as he continues battling chronic lung disease.

While this setback was terrifying and a step backward, we know Vance is strong. He has already overcome so much, and we continue to pray that he will keep fighting, keep growing, and one day, finally come home where he belongs.

Thank you for keeping our little fighter in your thoughts and prayers. Your love and support mean the world to us. ❤️


Vance’s Journey Continues


Today Was a Good Day